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Writer's pictureHannah

How To Confidently Claim Your Desires

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Photo by Houcine Ncib on Unsplash

What does it mean to CLAIM? To claim the life you desire, to claim the way you want to feel in your own skin, to claim the partner you want close to you, to claim the space you take up?

To claim can be translated to confidently capturing what you deep inside know you are worthy of. It is to declare the boldness that lives within you by embracing expressions of this power outside of you.

It is not force. It is not striving.

It is rooted in a receptivity that births from knowing your personal preciousness - from owning your personal value, from being brave enough to dance into the dreams that desire you, and from allowing the fullness of who you are from a deep place of love to expand.

Yet, claiming can be terrifying.

It can feel like taking a piece of candy off the table when you’re a kid because you want it, but then question if you were allowed to have it, question if it is ok you take it, question if you deserve it, question if you did something wrong by wanting it.

"Who am I to want more anyway?"

"Who am I even to want, to ask, to CLAIM?"

"Who am I to dare?"

Claiming naturally invites us into a place of receiving. All of creation must come with this receptivity. It's easier to constantly give, but when we have to reflect on our openness to accept, it can trigger our self-worth.

We can want, work, write, and ask for all we desire all day long, but if we are still too scared to receive - to put the candy in our mouth and taste it - we will stay stuck depriving ourselves of the sweetness of life, the sweetness of who we are. We stay stuck holding our hand out and fearing the candy will never come.

"It’s MINE!!!" our inner child might yell as we grasp tighter.

We might then make a claim with the energy of fear and loss, intensifying our focus on the fear of not having, not ever feeling secure. It might take us to the place of there is not enough in the world for everyone to have what they want, so I should snatch this up right now!

"But what if someone gets it first?"

"What if it isn’t actually mine?"

"What if I don’t even like the way it tastes?"

With the claim, we initially feel all that stands in the way, the open space in extended hand and heart, and life that is not flowing our way.

We may feel the fear that is wondering if it's ok to want more. We feel the fear in being in the void of not getting what we want.

We feel the remaining aches of the absence of that which we deeply desire (longing), while we recognize the part of our identity that is dying away as we create more space for more of who we truly are (loss).

It’s vulnerable.

It’s raw.

It’s a temporary space.

It’s a temporary grasp.

Feelings of shame, guilt, unworthiness, scarcity, lack, longing, loss, grief - all of these can inhibit our reaching. They can fuck with our very primal sense of security.

And yet, these feelings are very much part of the process. We can practice self-trust now. We can know that these feelings are normal and we are capable of expressing them without being overwhelmed with them.

What if these feelings are actually the pain that is leaving us, the unworthiness that is leaving, the powerlessness, the bitterness, the grief, the emptiness?

Maybe what we are feeling is these feelings exiting and making space for all that is yours as you CLAIM it. It's a powerful process to play with.

Let unworthiness wash away.

Let self-confidence flow in.

You are worthy of the CLAIM.

Here's how you can practice this for yourself:

Practical Power Play:

  • Find something you love, it can be a piece of jewelry, your favorite book, a new eyeliner you can’t get enough of, or even your favorite tasty candy.

  • Practice the act of picking it up and pulling it close to you, and then putting it back on your table. Pick it up, like you really mean it, like you want it, like you just are so READY FOR IT. Like you are CLAIMING it.

  • Know that this object, this energy, this is already an expression of you.

  • Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Feel any shame with the act of claiming to dissolve out of you. Shake out any piece that questions if it is safe, if you are enough, if you look funny when you reach your arm out.

  • Put on some fun music, explore different ways your body wants to move with you claiming something you so LOVE AND ENJOY.

Want to take it to the next level?

Write out three things you are feeling ready for in your life. Ready for a raise, a new relationship, to feel more of your power, to practice your voice in a challenging friendship, to define your boundaries, to let yourself rest, to allow yourself to be supported at work? Write out three things you are ready to claim, and practice physically claiming them, letting them go, and repeating. They can also be things you already have in your life, maybe you are just ready to FULLY embrace it now!

Find out more about Hannah and how Human Design has influenced her life and her work:

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